The Hero of Color City is an imaginative tale chronicling the adventures of a diverse band of crayons as they strive to protect not only their magical multihued homeland, but also the imagination of children everywhere from a terrifying monster!
The story begins in a little boy’s bedroom – it could be a child anywhere in the world. As the boy drifts off to sleep, the bedtime story his mother just read to him echoing in his head, the crayons in his room come alive. Each crayon has a distinct, vibrant and fun personality that complements their color: BLUE is cool as ice, hip and exciting. RED is passionate, adventurous, full of life and joy. BLACK is comically morose and philosophical. And our heroine, YELLOW, well, she is the most timid and fearful crayon around.
Each night, after the little boy falls asleep, the crayons assemble in their crayon box – which is really a magical portal that transports them to their home, Color City, a world of dazzling color, soaring fantasy and whimsy of childhood. The land is fed by an enchanted rainbow that provides the city and the crayons with color.
The feature film was produced by Exodus Film Group (who will be handling licensing and merchandising in the US and Canada) and will be released in 2014 by Magnolia Pictures.
Target Market
Boys and girls age 3-6
Worldwide (with the exception of the US and Canada) representatives for licensing and merchandising
11279 Dona Lisa Drive
Studio City, CA 91604
[email protected]
tel: 310-694-3414
fax: 310-295-9453